I challenge you to find things that are in good USED condition! Gifts are great but we don't want you to go broke getting us something fancy. Search craigslist, ebay, yardsales, thrift stores, etc. No used underwear, please :) We also love handmade or other creative gifts. Check out http://www.etsy.com/
Family Gifts Games: password, tripoly, taboo, stainless steel water bottles- kleen kanteen, sigg, generic
Ian tools Zune Extra battery – Motorola razr 2 War books/movies
Nina Yarn - baby soft, wool, pretty colors Dave Ramsey window stickers - from daveramsey.com/store I think Extra battery - blackberry pearl Massage at So Spoiled Wool dryer balls Books: The Ultimate Book of Breastfeeding Answers - Dr. Jack Newman
Isaac - currently size 5T, size 11 shoe Books - fun Bible stories - have Noah and Jonah Ratatouille
Eva - currently size 2T, size 5 shoe long- and short-sleeve shirts, pants, shoes in size 3T + fleece car poncho
Ella - currently size 12 months slippers fleece car poncho
Follower of Christ. Homemaker, homebirther and homeschooler. Married to the man of my dreams. Trying to live healthier, build relationships and give more.