Monday, November 3, 2008

Nelson family updates

My friend Karen does this and I love it! Here's a November '08 update on our family.

He is one busy man. Right now he is working full-time (2 days on, 4 days off) at the Warm Springs fire dept. When he isn't working there he is either working 12-hr shifts in the St. Charles ER or attending paramedic classes at the college. We see each other occasionally:( We will be really happy when this school year is over. Afterward, we hope that he gets hired in Redmond or Bend so he doesn't have to work so much.

With Ian gone so much, it's usually just me and the kiddos. If you're thinking that must be tiring, it is. I could definitely use some mommy time. When I'm not changing a diaper or nursing a baby, I'm usually working on a website or trading cloth diapers with other stay-at-home moms. I've opened a small natural parenting store (Ian says I've turned into a hippy) and thinking of branching out into some virtual assisting. Whatever I can do to help us get out of debt faster without having to work outside the home sounds good to me.

My little guy is turning 4 next month (and wants to have a birthday party at the park;) I can't believe it! Time has flown. He's very into Shrek right now and hasn't been too big on going outside since the weather has gotten colder. That's too bad, because he is still extremely active. He is a very good helper with the babies and loves to hold Ella. I'm going to gradually start integrating homeschool activities into our schedule soon, so hopefully he enjoys it.

Eva's new nickname is "the Diva." The name suits her so well, especially with all of her teeth coming at once. She's still a little sweetheart, though, and loves just about everyone. She loves pointing at Ella and saying, "baby!" She's been walking for a few months now and loves to get into anything that hasn't been hidden properly. And I mean anything...

Ella is my little companion. Since she's strictly breastfed, we spend a lot of time together. Thank goodness I have baby slings, otherwise I would get nothing done. She's almost sitting up without any assistance and has started rolling over. Pretty soon she'll be walking. (fingers crossed:)

A link to pics will be posted soon.

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